Awesome but how do u get the fish to the other side Sooo hard I answer any levels before that part To get past the electric eel you have to touch the sand
Awesome but how do u get the fish to the other side Sooo hard I answer any levels before that part To get past the electric eel you have to touch the sand
This is how to get the fish to the other side of the chain thing, you turn your iPod touch or iPhone upside down, dont turn your iPod touch/iPhone upright, move the fish very slowly across the screen.
Really fun game and to deflate the pufferfish, cover the fish with your fingers and hold until it deflates, hope that helps
How do you get past the sandcastle?
How do u get past the deflate the pufferfish level
Its ok except that there are soooo many ads and to take them off it costs 1.99. Fun but the ads really get in the way.. Ps the sandcastle level: click on the sand on the ground and drag it to the empty box(not Pail, box) then drag the pail onto the sand in the box and then a sand castle will appear (click that
For the shake the device and tap the pearls while u do it !
This game is totally fun, but I cant get past the part where it says: eat the fish from left to right, or something like that. Help please!
How do you pass the anchor?
Awesome game I really luv impossible test christmas and summer neways can. Sumbody plz help me with the sink the submarine level plz
I love this app. It is so much fun. I would suggest you write your secret number on a piece of paper because you will need it later. So much fun. Recommended!!!!!!!
How do you deflate the pufferfish thingy ???
How do you get pass the eat the fish from left to right one?
I have no idea how to get past the mine thingies on a chain for the fish!!!! But very fun.
I played it for over an our and it does not even make any sense!!!!!!
This is an awesome game I have finished all the levels . To beet the shark you tap his eye.
How do u raise the anchor?!?!?!?!?
Play for a little... Get sick of ads and dumb glitches!! Fix it!
Its so RANDOMLY GOOD and IMPOSSIBLE! Its pretty much me in a piñata suit. So HARD, so COOL! Just because I smell like a empty piñata suit doesnt mean I am one. What does that have to do with the game you ask? Well, every thing. Now that I have more than just apps Im more relaxed than my brothers and sisters. Its pretty cool if you ask me, maybe I even made a difference. Even the school bully gives me hamburgers. I make people eat alligators instead of hamburger because there mine. Ok the game is 5 stars because I love the Impossible test. Since its water I named it Waterville, to clean? So have a good day people and peoples.
Well I won this cool game in just 1 live and time was 88 secs I recommend ya all to play it u raise the anchor like this • Put ur screen upside down • Tap the anchor Again and again • Then u see the continue Button Press that • Done!