It looks like a 7 yr old designed/created it and it is absolutely stupid. Dont waste your time. Ive tried this and the x-mas one and it was just as bad and the ads get in the way of game play-nice...:(((
It looks like a 7 yr old designed/created it and it is absolutely stupid. Dont waste your time. Ive tried this and the x-mas one and it was just as bad and the ads get in the way of game play-nice...:(((
Its amazing and freeeeeeeee
How do you open the treasure chest
I cant get past the crab thing I hold down 5 seconds but its not working.
I like this game it is a challenge and there ape no good cheats for it I cant get past the typing the secret number what secret Buber how do u beat it Oh and u beat the crab on by holding down and going in circles around it
How do u get past the tap the taller fish level?
I think something is wrong with, after the second question, the "this is your secret code number" it says tap to continue, but it wont let me continue!!! Why not!!!!????
Unable to play at all because start screen freezes
The game either crashes on the main screen or on the second level. Havent been able to play it at all
UNINSTALL! No logic to it and it keeps flashing the game over screen even when I make the right move.
How do you raise the anchor!!!???
To get passed the anchor you turn you device up side down and repeatedly tap the anchor till u see the word continue. To get passed the submarine u tap the word submarine up at the top and drag it down to it the it will sink. The sand castle u take the sand at the bottom and drag it to the empty box then take the empty bucket and put it over the sand HOPE THIS HELPS A LITTLE. love this game
Touch smallest fish, and one fish will shrink. To kill the shark, tap its eye To tap the pearls, raise your iPad/iPod and pull back down. To avoid the crab, move your finger around the screen. I hope this helps! Its a fun game!
How do u save the sea horses?
I passed it and it was fun it started out hard then it was easy as pie
Ok people of the the poo do you get the fish to the other side.But its a awesome game!I gave it 4
This is amazing! But how do you get past the "Dont touch the water one"?
This game ok. But I do not know how to get past the crab part?!?? And its super aanoing to have to wait 7 seconds every time you mess up!!! Because if your like me it takes you about 30 tries to finally pass it which is 7 minutes if just siting there waiting. And pop up adds are super aanoing. plz help with the crab?
Good app, but i hate that i have to wait 7 seconds every time i make a wrong move. And all the pop up adds are SO annoying!!! Other then that, its a great app. But how on earth do you get past the weird snake thing?!?! I NEED HELP!!!!!!!!!!!